3 Exercises to Help with Bone Spur Pain

What is a Bone Spur

A bone spur is a bony growth that develops in the spine as a result of a traumatic injury or degenerative spine disease. This condition can result in pain, numbness, tingling, stiffness of the joints, and other debilitating symptoms. For many patients seeking relief, part of a conservative bone spur treatment plan will include a series of low-impact exercises and stretches designed to ease bone spur pressure on the pinched nerve. 

Your doctor should always review the exercises you choose to engage in if you have a degenerative spine condition. This way, they can prevent you from aggravating your existing injury. At BEST Health System, we are proud to offer information to patients looking to improve their spine conditions through conservative treatments and therapies. Continue reading to learn about the benefits of low-impact exercise for patients with degenerative spine conditions. 

Developing a Bone Spur Treatment Regimen

Talk to your doctor about the following three common exercises for bone spur treatment to find out if they can help you find pain relief:

  1. Increase your back strength. If you are looking for bone spur treatment for your lower back, work on strengthening your core muscles to help relieve pressure on your spine and subsequently your pinched nerve. One common exercise involves lying face down and lifting your chest off the floor, causing your lower back muscles to strengthen. 
  2. Lower back stretches. Lengthening your spine with lower back stretches will help to reduce the pressure on your pinched nerve. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and place your hands on your lower back. Slowly arch your chest upward and bend your back backward, lengthening your lumbar spine. You can also lie on your back and take turns bringing your knees slowly to your chest. This is often a recommended stretch for bone spur treatment, but consult your doctor before performing.
  3. Neck rotation. One stretch to add to your bone spur treatment plan for neck pain is a simple neck rotation. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and slowly bend your neck to the right. Try to stretch your neck to bring your ear to your shoulder. Slowly make clockwise circles. Bring your head back to neutral. Slowly bend your neck to the left and make counter-clockwise circles. 

The Benefits of Minimally Invasive Surgery

Oftentimes, conservative therapies including physical therapy, hot and cold therapy, and rest can allow patients to stay active despite their condition. However, if conservative therapies are ineffective, patients may consider surgery. In many cases, patients with a degenerative spine condition like bone spurs can enjoy significant relief from a minimally invasive procedure. 

Minimally invasive surgical procedures offer a plethora of benefits including less scarring, a quicker recovery, and can be performed on an outpatient basis – this means no lengthy hospital stays! Enjoy the benefits of minimally invasive with BEST Health System – the industry leader in minimally invasive services. 

BEST Health System

BEST Health System is a modern ambulatory center with locations spread throughout Ohio. Our surgeons specialize in spine, orthopaedic, and neurology-related conditions. We are proud to bring new advancements to the Ohio healthcare system and provide our patients with the BEST care. 

Contact BEST to learn more.