Bone Spur Symptoms

Bone spur symptoms can be debilitating and painful if left untreated. Bone spurs, or osteophytes, are excess growths on the normal bone caused by aging, disc degeneration, arthritis, poor posture, and traumatic injury, among other reasons. Contrary to what many believe, bone spurs are not sharp, pointy structures. Instead, they’re smooth growths that are often completely harmless. It is typically only when a bone spur comes into contact with another bone or spinal nerve that an individual will experience any symptoms.

If you are dealing with chronic pain, a treatment that can bring you lasting relief is possible. By learning more about the symptoms and causes, you can better work with your doctor to develop a treatment plan that can get you back to the people and activities you’ve been missing.

Bone Spur Symptoms

The bone spur symptoms that can occur when osteophytes press against a spinal nerve or bone can include the following:

  • Severe neck or back pain
  • Weakness in the extremities
  • Radiating arm and leg pain
  • Restricted movement
  • Numbness and tingling

If you are experiencing any of the above symptoms, you know their effect on your quality of life and level of activity. Even once-simple tasks like driving, grocery shopping, or walking your dog become painful and difficult. If conservative treatments don’t provide relief after weeks or months, your doctor may recommend surgery. However, traditional open spine surgeries used to treat bone spurs are often highly invasive, involving large muscle-disrupting incisions, which can require lengthy, painful recoveries.

Treatment with BEST Health System

At BEST Health System, we offer minimally invasive surgical solutions for patients looking for relief. Our board-certified surgeons are experienced in helping patients find the most effective, least intrusive treatment option. Are you ready to find relief from your chronic pain? Contact BEST Health System today.