Diagnosing a Degenerative Spine

What is a Degenerative Lumbar Spine?

A degenerative lumbar spine is a condition whereby the vertebral bodies, discs, joints, and ligaments of the spine undergo degenerative changes, which can lead to pain in the lower back, numbness, weakness, and radiation into the extremities. To treat this condition, it is important to consult your doctor for an accurate degenerative spine diagnosis to help guide you on your next step to finding pain relief.

A degenerative spine diagnosis for the lower back first entails an overview of your medical history by your primary care doctor to see if genetics may play a role in your condition. A physical examination is then conducted, followed by an MRI or CT scan, to determine the cause, severity, and precise location of your condition to determine the best treatment option to ease your discomfort.

What to Do After a Degenerative Lumbar Spine Diagnosis

If your doctor has confirmed that you are suffering from a degenerative lumbar spine, then he or she may typically recommend developing a conservative treatment regimen that consists of the following:

  • Pain medication
  • Anti-inflammatories
  • Range of motion exercises
  • Muscle relaxants
  • Core-strengthening exercises
  • Physical therapy
  • Heat massages

Alternative treatments such as ultrasound therapy, acupuncture, chiropractic manipulation, yoga, and Pilates may be attempted before spine surgery.

If Surgery Becomes an Option…

Surgical intervention may become necessary if your symptoms persist despite several weeks or months of conservative and alternative treatments. Although surgery may seem overwhelming, you can take plenty of steps before it gets to this point. For example, many patients can find relief through a course of conservative therapies. This includes physical therapy, hot/cold therapy, and massage therapy. Contact BEST Health System today to learn more about treating a degenerative lumbar spine. Our board-certified doctors and surgeons help patients find relief through minimally invasive efforts, including conservative therapies and minimally invasive surgery. Don’t wait to find relief; get back to the life you deserve today.