Foraminal Narrowing – Yoga Therapy

Foraminal Narrowing Pain

If you are experiencing pain in your lower back and your doctor has determined foraminal narrowing is the cause, you are likely curious to learn more about your condition. Also known as foraminal stenosis, this condition can occur when the spaces through which the nerves in the spine pass begin to narrow due to an underlying spinal condition, such as a bulging disc or bone spur. Foraminal narrowing can lead to pain and other bothersome symptoms when a nerve root becomes compressed, which can radiate along the nerve root to other areas of the body.

Yoga Poses to Relieve Foraminal Narrowing Pain

Yoga is a popular alternative treatment option and can be incorporated into a conservative regimen that includes pain medications, physical therapy, and hot/cold therapy. If you are experiencing foraminal narrowing pain in your lower back and your physician suggests you try light yoga stretches to alleviate your symptoms, you’ll be happy to know several poses can relieve muscle tightness and improve flexibility. Some poses you may be interested in trying include:

  • Downward-facing dog. Start on your knees with your hands flat on the floor in front of you. Slowly lift your knees and straighten your legs while your hands remain on the floor. Look toward your knees and hold.
  • Sphinx pose. Lie on your stomach with your legs together and extended behind you. Place your elbows under your shoulders and slowly lift your chest off the floor while keeping your hips flat.
  • Cat/cow. Start on your hands and knees, slowly drop your chin to your chest, and arch your back up. Then, take a breath, lift your head, and look to the ceiling while arching your back.
  • Child’s pose. Kneel with your legs hip-width apart, then drop your chest toward the floor with your arms outstretched. Rest your head on the ground and hold.
  • Standing forward bend. From a standing position, slowly bend forward and touch your fingers to the floor while keeping your legs as straight as possible. Tuck your chin toward your chest.

As always, you should consult your doctor before exercising and immediately stop any exercise that causes additional discomfort.

If Your Symptoms Persist…

Many individuals can find relief from foraminal narrowing pain after several weeks or months of conservative and alternative treatment. However, if you’ve adhered to your treatment plan and haven’t experienced any relief, you may need to consider spine surgery. 

While open spine surgery has been the traditional option, BEST Health System offers minimally invasive surgery that is a safer and more effective alternative. Contact BEST Health System today to learn more.