Foraminal Stenosis – Your Treatment Options

What is Foraminal Stenosis

Foraminal stenosis discomfort can be treated effectively without surgery. This condition, which sounds a bit intimidating, is actually quite common. The term “stenosis” describes a narrowing effect that occurs in the spine. 

As age-related degenerative changes take place in the neck or back, the openings in the vertebrae may become narrower due to the presence of displaced tissue, such as a herniated disc, bone spur, or inflamed ligament. 

Which Foraminal Stenosis Treatment Is Right For You

By default, foraminal stenosis does not require treatment. In fact, some people who have the condition are completely symptom-free and unaware of it. But if a partially blocked foramen presses on a nerve root that runs through the opening, the nerve can become irritated and signal varying degrees of pain, numbness, and muscle weakness. 

If you received a foraminal stenosis diagnosis, it was probably because symptoms like these led you to see a physician. Perhaps you need help with discomfort. After talking with your physician, you’ll probably be relieved to find that surgery is not the only answer. 

In fact, surgery is a last resort treatment for foraminal stenosis. That’s because nonsurgical conservative treatments can be very effective. 

Your physician can help you find the best conservative treatment approach for your foraminal stenosis symptoms. Some possible options include: 

  • Low impact exercises such as walking and swimming
  • Gentle stretches or yoga
  • Lifestyle changes, such as postural improvement, weight loss, and smoking cessation if applicable
  • Take pain relievers and anti-inflammatories
  • Corticosteroid injections (for severe pain)

Consider Surgery

If the discomfort is severe and conservative treatment is unsatisfactory, take into consideration a surgical procedure. For instance, if you’re unable to walk for a certain length of time without sitting to relieve your pain, you may want to explore your surgical options by talking with experts at BEST Health System. 

Our minimally invasive spine surgery is often the clinically appropriate first choice and provides many advantages over open neck or back surgery. 

To learn more, contact BEST Health System today.