How High-Impact Sports Often Cause Arthritis

Can Certain Sports Lead to the Development of Arthritis?

While participating in a sport can be beneficial to your health, certain sports can place you at a higher risk for arthritis of the spine earlier in your life. It should be noted that most people show some degree of osteoarthritis in their spine and other joints by the time they reach their 60s, due primarily to the typical wear on the cartilage between joints. However, the repetitive trauma involved in some sports can accelerate the progression of the condition. Read on to learn about the high-impact sports that can be the leading factor of arthritis of the spine as well as other risk factors that you should be aware of.

Other Risk Factors for Arthritis of the Spine

Participation in these sports is only one risk factor of many. Your activity of choice doesn’t automatically ensure that you will have early-onset spine arthritis. The risk is greater, however, if you have other factors that could compound the development of the condition. For example, some people have naturally thinner cartilage due to their genetic makeup. Athletes who have sustained previous joint injuries or undergone joint surgery also stand an increased risk of developing osteoarthritis.

Treating Arthritis of the Spine

Suppose you have been diagnosed with arthritis of the spine and are still suffering from this condition after several weeks or months of conservative treatments such as pain medication, physical therapy, and chiropractic care. In that case, your doctor may recommend surgical intervention to relieve your symptoms. If you’re ready to explore your available options, contact BEST Health System to learn about the minimally invasive spine surgeries we perform that have helped many patients

Our procedures offer a safer and more effective alternative to traditional open spine surgery, no lengthy recovery, and a lower risk of complication. To treat arthritis of the spine, our highly skilled surgeons can use a small muscle-sparing incision to remove part or all of the diseased disc or vertebra and potentially stabilize the spine depending on the severity of your condition.