Understanding the Link Between Diabetes and Neuropathy

What is Neuropathy?

Neuropathy refers to any form of nerve damage or dysfunction. This condition is very prevalent in individuals with diabetes, cancer patients who have undergone chemotherapy, and individuals who have certain autoimmune diseases. There are many different types of neuropathy, each with unique associated symptoms. The most common types of neuropathy are autonomic, diabetic, focal, peripheral, and proximal. Although each condition refers to nerve damage, they manifest different symptoms. If you have been diagnosed with neuropathy, it is vital to understand your unique condition. 

BEST Health System understands that neuropathy is often an overlooked condition. It can be difficult to find a comprehensive treatment program that offers lasting relief. Therefore, we are proud to offer premium neuropathy care. Depending on your preferences and the severity of your condition, we have a solution for you. Continue reading to learn more about neuropathy symptoms and treatment.

Why is Neuropathy Prevalent in Patients with Diabetes?

Diabetes is the leading cause of neuropathy by a significant percentage, and you may be wondering why. High blood sugar is one of the most common symptoms associated with diabetes. There are a few reasons for this medical correlation. First, this higher pressure in the body’s tissue and vessels can compress nerves and blood vessels, resulting in decreased blood flow and oxygen delivery to the affected areas. Nutrients and oxygen are essential for nerve function. Another reason for nerve damage is that high blood pressure can trigger an inflammatory response in the body. 

As previously indicated, the correlation between neuropathy and diabetes is largely due to high blood pressure. Therefore, diabetes patients must place extra focus on managing blood sugar levels. In addition to various treatments, one of the best ways to do this is through lifestyle changes. Exercising regularly, managing carbs, and getting more sleep are all ways to lower blood sugar. 

What is the Best Treatment for Diabetic Neuropathy?

Patients with diabetic neuropathy often experience pain, numbness, and a collection of other symptoms. A comprehensive treatment plan intends to address all of these concerns. After initial diagnosis, doctors typically recommend that patients consider making lifestyle changes to work towards lowering blood sugar. However, these changes will not necessarily help with pain relief. 

Patients dealing with severe neuropathy deserve to find relief from their symptoms. Common pain relief methods include acupuncture, massage, pain medications, injections, and physical therapy. These treatments can help patients manage existing pain, however, they may not provide lasting results. If patients are looking for long-term pain relief, they may consider a more serious procedure.

Spinal Cord Stimulator with BEST Health System

A spinal cord stimulator is a surgically implanted device that masks pain signals before they reach the brain. One of the most serious symptoms of neuropathy is recurring pain in the extremities. This device works by blocking these and only acknowledges actual pain. Spinal cord stimulators offer significant results and most patients report relief. 
BEST Health System is proud to offer spinal cord stimulators to patients with diabetic neuropathy. We understand how painful neuropathy can be, and it is our goal to help patients find lasting relief. Contact the BEST team today to learn more about neuropathy solutions with BEST Health System.