Five Exercises to Avoid After Disc Protrusion Surgery

Disc Protrusion Surgery

Disc protrusion surgery is recommended when symptoms of this condition interfere with your day-to-day routines. Whether you’re just starting to consider surgery as a treatment option, or have already scheduled your surgery, learning what to expect following the surgery is important to a successful recovery.

Recovering from Disc Protrusion Surgery

Before your procedure, your surgeon will provide you with guidelines on what to expect during your recovery period. Getting active as soon as possible is an important aspect of your recovery, and it can help you maintain mobility as you heal. However, there are certain exercises that are best avoided following a disc protrusion surgery, as they can cause more harm than good for your spine. Some exercises that you should avoid include:

  1. Twisting stretches. Movements that involve twisting the spine, such as those commonly found in yoga, can be harmful following a disc protrusion procedure. Try more gentle stretches that extend the spine without twisting it.
  2. Running or jogging. The discs in your spine will absorb the impact each time your foot hits the ground. You should try to avoid harsh impact following a disc protrusion surgery. Instead, walking or water aerobics can provide similar benefits while eliminating the impact on the spine.
  3. Weightlifting. Lifting weights can put a strain on the spine, especially if lifted above the head. When working with weights, it’s better to use them for exercises that raise them no higher than your shoulders to keep the back protected.
  4. Toe touches. Bending forward to touch the toes can put unnecessary strain on the discs and other parts of the spine. Try lying on your back and pulling your leg up in the air instead to protect the back while getting in a hamstring stretch.
  5. Sit-ups and crunches. While these exercises are primarily intended to work out the abdomen, they often cause unnecessary strain on the lower back. A safer alternative is a bridge exercise, in which you lie on your back and lift your hips in the air.

It’s important to listen to your body and stop any exercise that causes back pain and remember that these are only general guidelines. You can consult with your physician to determine which exercises may be most beneficial for you following disc protrusion surgery.

Treatment with BEST Health System

At BEST Health System, we believe in a comprehensive approach to surgery. It is important to begin treatment with conservative methods, such as physical therapy. However, if this does not work, you may be a candidate for surgery. Contact BEST Health System to learn more today.