Oncology Rehabilitation Programs

Oncology Rehabilitation

Oncology rehabilitation is a treatment option for cancer patients that is based around the practice of physical therapy. Patients who are battling cancer are often faced with an array of symptoms that can result in chronic pain and mobility problems. BEST Health System connects these individuals with experienced physical therapists that will help patients develop an oncology rehabilitation program that is effective with long-term cancer management. 

BEST Health System strongly believes that education is a huge part of the treatment process, which is why our specialists are dedicated to providing patients with an inclusive program that can lead them on a path to rehabilitation. 

When is Oncology Rehabilitation an Option?

Oncology rehabilitation is a care option for many cancer patients. At BEST Health System, the healthcare professionals are experienced in all areas of oncology rehabilitation and can help you find the most effective program. Individuals suffering from lung cancer might have therapies focused on improving breathing, whereas someone battling pelvic cancer may go through therapies designed to improve range of motion. 

Working with a physical therapist is a very important aspect of the cancer rehabilitation process. Due to the intensive nature of cancer treatment, including chemotherapy and surgery, patients may feel some negative effects. The practice of physical therapy to improve health can strengthen the body, mobilize joints, and increase blood flow. If you are an individual who is struggling with the demanding nature of cancer treatments, reach out to BEST Health System and see what rehabilitation programs are available to make you feel your best.

Oncology Rehabilitation Sessions

A patient beginning oncology rehab will typically first begin with a full evaluation to determine the level of function and mobility. The physical therapist will review the patient’s medical history, followed by a hands-on examination and other tests to determine the appropriate form of treatment. 

There are a variety of treatment options available for patients who do oncology rehabilitation. Some of these options include:

  • Therapeutic exercise
  • Manual therapy
  • Occupational therapy
  • Trigger point therapy
  • Therapeutic massage

Sessions can vary in length and frequency depending on each individual case.

The Cost of Oncology Rehab

The cost of oncology rehab, like other physical therapy programs, depends on the treatment performed and the length of each session. Physical therapy is a covered treatment if recommended by a physician. The healthcare professionals at BEST Health System are dedicated to finding the best treatment plan for all individuals interested in oncology rehabilitation. 

Procedure Doctors

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