When is Disc Protrusion Surgery Necessary?
What is Disc Protrusion? A disc protrusion occurs when part of a spinal disc bulges out from its normal place in the spinal column. This
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What is Disc Protrusion? A disc protrusion occurs when part of a spinal disc bulges out from its normal place in the spinal column. This
What is a Disc Protrusion? A disc protrusion occurs when a disc, one of the spongy cushions between vertebrae that act as shock absorbers for
Arthritis Pain Arthritis of the spine is a condition that is often unavoidable and can develop in the spine’s facet joints, which allow the spine
Why Does Arthritis Develop? The spine is one of the most complex structures in the human body. It is an intricate combination of bones, nerves,
Arthritis of the Spine Symptoms While arthritis of the spine can be a painful condition, there are treatment options that can reduce its symptoms. Also
What is Arthritis of the Spine? Arthritis of the spine is a very common condition that affects the spinal facet joints. In healthy joints, the
What is a Ruptured Disc? Symptoms of a ruptured disc occur when one or more of the spine’s discs becomes damaged and pushes into the
Degenerative Disc Disease Symptoms Degenerative disc disease is part of the normal process of aging and affects many adults over the age of 50. Oftentimes,
What is a Degenerative Spine? Degenerative spine refers broadly to age-related changes that affect the spinal column, including conditions like degenerative disc disease and arthritis
What Causes Spinal Arthritis Spinal arthritis is a common result of the general wear and tear that the spine endures. This condition can develop when
What is a Bone Spur? Spinal bone spurs aren’t always symptomatic, although they can cause significant discomfort if they compress a nearby nerve root or
Canal Stenosis Surgery Spinal canal stenosis surgery is usually a last resort for people who have already attempted conservative treatments. People who are considered candidates
What is Spinal Stenosis? Spinal stenosis is defined as a narrowing of either the spinal canal or the small spaces nerve roots use to exit
A common symptom of spinal stenosis, which is the narrowing of the spinal canal, is leg pain and weakness. This is especially true if the
Although it is not the first thing on your mind following spine surgery, exercise can be an essential part of recovery. Before you begin any
What is an Annular Tear? An annular tear is a sometimes-painful condition that occurs when a disc in the spine tears under the pressure of
Can I Exercise with Failed Back Surgery Syndrome? Exercise can be highly beneficial for people with failed back surgery syndrome. Regular, low-impact cardio can be
What is Foraminal Narrowing? Foraminal narrowing is described as the narrowing of the tunnels where the nerves exit the spine. This condition can result in
Arthritis of the spine is closely linked to the natural aging process and degeneration of the cartilage that protects the spinal facet joints. Over the
What is Spinal Degeneration? Spinal degeneration is a common part of aging. Not only do the discs that separate the vertebrae start to dehydrate and
What is a Disc Extrusion? A disc extrusion, also called a herniated disc, is a spine condition that affects the spinal discs that cushion the
What is a Protruding Disc? A protruding disc can develop as a result of age-related degenerative changes in your spine. Through daily activities, spinal discs
What is Facet Syndrome? Symptoms of lumbar facet syndrome can be mild to severe and are caused by both local joint inflammation and compression of
Facet joint syndrome is a type of osteoarthritis that affects the joints in the spine. It can result in neck and back pain, stiffness, soreness,