Disc Protrusion

When the inner material of a spinal disc pushes through its outer layer, potentially causing nerve compression.

Disc Protrusion

Disc protrusion is a common form of spinal disc deterioration that can cause neck and back pain. Changes occurring with the regular aging process are responsible for disc deteriorations, although an injury might speed up the degenerative process. However protruding disc may go undetected unless it encroaches upon a nearby nerve. 

When functioning correctly, the spinal vertebrae are cushioned by pliable, oval-shaped discs that essentially act as shock absorbers for the neck and back. Over time, however, discs deteriorate and might bulge beyond their normal anatomical positions in the spinal column. Learn about a disc protrusion diagnosis, symptoms, and treatment options in the following article. 


The spinal canal is home to the spinal cord and dozens of nerve roots that branch off the spinal cord, exit the spine, and continue to the bodily areas they serve. When a disc protrudes into the limited space of the spinal canal, the disc might place compressive pressure, irritate or otherwise interfere with a nerve root or the spinal cord. It is nerve compression that causes the most serious disc protrusion symptoms including:

  • Local, chronic neck and back pain
  • Pain, numbness, and tingling in the extremities
  • Sciatica
  • Loss of flexibility or mobility
  • Stiffness or soreness
  • Muscle weakness

The specific symptoms caused by a disc protrusion will depend on the location of the problem, as well as the extent of the disc degeneration. Without question, the two most common areas of the spine to develop disc degeneration are the cervical spine (in the neck) and the lumbar spine (in the lower back).

Diagnosis and Treatment

Correctly diagnosing a disc protrusion typically requires the use of medical imagery, a detailed medical history, and a thorough examination by a physician. Conservative disc protrusion treatment methods are often quite effective and typically include massage, bed rest, physical therapy, and pain medications. Spine surgery is only considered when conservative treatment of the disorder has proven ineffective after several months or a patient’s symptoms are extreme and debilitating. 

If you’re suffering from disc protrusion and nonsurgical conservative treatment has failed, contact BEST Health Surgery. We treat disc protrusion with minimally invasive procedures that incorporate the latest technology. BEST Health System’s outpatient surgeries are designed to relieve symptoms without the extended recovery and rehabilitation periods associated with traditional open back surgery. 

Reach out to BEST Health System Today

To learn more about disc protrusion and the procedures at our state of the art facilities, reach out to BEST Health System today.

If you have experienced any of these symptoms or recieved a diagnosis and need treatment, BEST can help. Take the first step towards relief today.

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