Five Exercises for Failed Back Surgery Syndrome Patients

Can I Exercise with Failed Back Surgery Syndrome?

Exercise can be highly beneficial for people with failed back surgery syndrome. Regular, low-impact cardio can be helpful, and stretching and strengthening exercises are important as well. In fact, for many people, physical therapy and at-home exercise are core parts of treatment.

When it comes to stretching and strengthening exercises, it’s especially important to work closely with a physician or physical therapist. Certain movements, such as those requiring twisting of the spine, can make failed back surgery syndrome symptoms worse. And, depending on the part of the spine that was operated on, certain movements may need to be avoided. An experienced professional can help each patient create a custom exercise plan that’s ideal for his or her unique needs.

At BEST Health System, we prioritize patient education. Our overall goal is to help patients find an effective treatment option they are comfortable with. Continue reading to learn more about the BEST tips on exercising with failed back surgery syndrome. 

Five Low-Impact Exercise Options

Developing a daily cardio plan can be a bit easier, although it’s still important to talk about any potential ideas with a physician. As a general rule of thumb, however, anything that does not jolt, jostle, or twist the spine may be appropriate. Running, golfing, and playing tennis, for example, are not advised, while the following activities are usually safe after a failed back surgery:

  1. Walking (outdoors on a flat surface such as a sidewalk, or indoors on a treadmill)
  2. Swimming
  3. Gentle yoga (taking care to ask for modifications during spine-stretching postures)
  4. Pilates
  5. Tai Chi

Failed Back Surgery Syndrome Treatment

No matter which exercises you choose, it’s crucial to listen to your body. Nothing should cause sharp pain or discomfort. If a movement feels wrong, stop right away – don’t feel as though you must finish the exercise just for the sake of finishing. And if you aren’t quite sure how to complete a prescribed exercise, don’t hesitate to ask for better instructions. Proper form is key. Of course, even with exercise and other common treatments, failed back surgery syndrome can still cause persistent pain.

If you do not find relief from these conservative therapies, you may be a candidate for surgery. At BEST Health System, our goal is to help patients find the most effective, least invasive treatment path. If this means surgery, BEST offers many minimally invasive surgical procedures. Therefore, our patients have smaller incisions and can enjoy a much shorter recovery period, all on an outpatient basis. Contact BEST today to learn about spine surgery.