How To Know If I Have a Spinal Bone Spur

What is a Bone Spur?

A bone spur is a small, smooth growth that can develop in the spine’s bones due to friction from years of wear and tear, osteoarthritis, or sudden injury. Bone spurs themselves are not painful, but if they press against a nerve root or the spinal cord, they can trigger various disruptive symptoms that may make it difficult to live a normal, active life.

Self-diagnosing a spinal condition is nearly impossible because many conditions share similar symptoms. For example, a bone spur might manifest the same painful feeling as spinal stenosis. Therefore, it is very important to undergo proper diagnostic processes, including imaging and other examinations. 

BEST Health System is a modern health system offering spine, orthopaedic, and neuropathy treatment. We work closely with patients to help them develop a treatment plan consisting of conservative therapies and minimally invasive surgery, if necessary. 

Common Signs of Spinal Bone Spurs

The physical effects of bone spurs can vary depending on each patient’s unique circumstance, but some of the most common symptoms include:

  • Localized pain around the affected area
  • Radiating pain that travels through the legs or arms
  • Muscle weakness
  • Reduced coordination and mobility

Additionally, the location of the bone spurs in the spine can play a role in what symptoms are produced. If the bone spur is in the neck, or the cervical spine, then headaches can occur. If it’s in the lower back, then discomfort and numbness may be felt in the buttocks and legs. The severity of symptoms can also vary substantially. Some patients may only experience intermittent and mild symptoms, while others may struggle to walk, sit comfortably, and perform everyday actions.

Bone spur symptoms can grow to be debilitating, but here’s the good news; many patients can find substantial relief from their symptoms with conservative treatments like hot/cold therapy, pain-relieving medications, anti-inflammatory injections, physical therapy, and other nonsurgical methods.

Treatment with BEST Health System

If conservative methods are ineffective, you may be a candidate for surgery. At BEST Health System, our surgeons specialize in minimally invasive procedures. Thanks to modern medical advancements, open-back surgery is no longer the only option. Many patients can find significant relief from a minimally invasive procedure, with fewer symptoms. 

Patients who undergo our minimally invasive procedures experience less scarring, shorter recovery times, and less pain. Contact our team to learn more about our services.