Regain Your Life After Years of Chronic Pain

Regain Your Life After Years of Chronic Pain

Chronic pain has been known to prevent individuals from living a fulfilling lifestyle. Pain that was initially only noticeable during exercise now arises when folding laundry, doing the dishes, and sitting in a chair. When chronic pain begins affecting every aspect of your life, you will likely explore alternative, conservative, and surgical treatment options to achieve relief. 

Various conditions can manifest chronic pain. Neuropathy, complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS), and failed back surgery syndrome (FBSS) are a few of the most common conditions.

At BEST Health System, we understand that debilitating pain can prevent you from living a fulfilling lifestyle. Therefore, we offer comprehensive care to patients seeking relief. Whether you are hoping to find conservative solutions or you think it might be time for surgical intervention, we are here for you. Continue reading to learn more about how BEST Health System approaches treatment.

The Impact of Chronic Pain on Daily Life

Chronic pain is not considered a life-threatening condition, and for this reason, it is often overlooked in medical settings. Many patients are initially prescribed a course of pain medications or muscle relaxants, which offers a temporary solution for a lasting issue. This “quick fix” is often the reason that many patients become dependent on medications that their doctor can only prescribe for a short period of time. 

At BEST Health System, we have worked with countless patients who have chronic pain conditions that have been discounted by previous medical professionals. Therefore, we are dedicated to providing these patients with thorough care to ensure they can achieve relief without sacrificing other concerns. 

Chronic pain is one of the most common workplace injuries, and it can prevent patients from being able to comfortably work demanding physical jobs or desk jobs. Unfortunately, even patients who sit at a desk all day can suffer from chronic pain due to their lack of activity for hours at a time. Also, prolonged sitting can put extensive stress on the lumbar spine, which can result in chronic back pain.

Building a Support System and Finding Resources

Finding a support system and locating resources is an important part of treatment. If you have been diagnosed with chronic pain, you likely understand the importance of building a community around you for help. From finding support within family and friends to locating community support groups, patients have the potential to live comfortably. 

Mental health troubles like anxiety and depression often affect individuals who suffer from severe and debilitating chronic pain. Unfortunately, chronic pain can cause individuals to stay home more, can prevent them from being active or spending time with friends, and can keep them from hobbies. This lack of activity and social time can lead to mental health conditions like depression or anxiety. Therefore, it is incredibly important for patients to try their best to maintain an enjoyable, fulfilling lifestyle to prevent mental health difficulties from arising. 

Setting Goals for Physical Therapy and Other Treatments

Physical therapy is the core of chronic pain treatment. Nearly all patients with chronic pain are recommended a course of physical therapy to help them regain stability and improve function. A physical therapist will help patients set realistic goals and encourage them to engage in activities that will keep them active without the concern of injury. In terms of setting goals, patients should work with their physical therapist to determine the level of activity they hope to resume and pain management.

If Surgical Intervention Becomes Necessary…

If conservative therapies do not offer significant relief, patients may begin to consider surgical intervention. Spinal cord stimulator therapy is an excellent solution for patients who continue to experience chronic pain after alternative and conservative therapy. Spinal cord stimulators block pain signals before they reach the brain, allowing patients to live comfortably. If you struggle with chronic pain, reach out to BEST to learn more about spinal cord stimulator treatment.

Spinal Cord Stimulator Therapy with BEST Health System

BEST Health System is the leader in spinal cord stimulator treatment for chronic pain. Our board-certified doctors are dedicated to bringing advanced care to patients who need it most. Don’t wait to get the relief you deserve. Contact us today to get started on your path toward recovery.