How are Multiple Sclerosis and Urinary Incontinence Related?

Understanding Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an autoimmune disease that affects the central nervous system. This condition urges the body’s immune system to attack the protective covering of the nerve cells, known as the myelin sheath. Patients with this condition often suffer from a variety of symptoms ranging from those affecting the muscles to those disrupting urinary and bowel control. 

Multiple sclerosis affects all patients very differently. While some only endure mild symptoms, other patients suffer from severe and debilitating symptoms that prevent them from living comfortably. Patients should work closely with a Neurologist who specializes in multiple sclerosis to help them achieve relief. Continue reading to learn about the connection between MS and incontinence issues. 

Why Multiple Sclerosis Patients Often Suffer from Urinary Incontinence

Many multiple sclerosis patients suffer from urinary incontinence symptoms. This symptom may occur if nerve damage takes place in a part of the spinal cord or brain that manages the bladder. This damage can result in difficulties controlling urination, frequency, and urgency, or even complete loss of bladder control. Additionally, MS can affect the communication between the brain and bladder muscles, causing disruptions in normal urinary function. 

Dealing with urinary incontinence on top of other MS symptoms can be incredibly difficult. Losing muscular function, coordination, and vision problems can severely inhibit patients’ quality of life. If you have been diagnosed with multiple sclerosis and you are seeking relief from an overactive bladder, continue reading. 

Treatment for Urinary Incontinence

BEST Health System is proud to offer advanced care to MS patients with overactive bladder symptoms. Dr. Bahar Malekzadeh, MD works closely with patients suffering from incontinence issues to help them manage their symptoms and live a more comfortable life. Located in Westlake, Ohio, this BEST location is dedicated to incontinence management. 

Treatment for this condition typically begins with conservative treatments including medication, pelvic floor therapy, and botox. If patients explore two or more therapies and still are not able to find relief, they may consider surgical intervention. 

BEST Health System is proud to offer a sacral nerve stimulation trial program for patients with incontinence issues. Sacral nerve stimulation is a drug-free, minimally invasive, reversible treatment often recommended to those with urinary or fecal incontinence. This procedure involves the implantation of a tiny device in the upper buttocks with lead wires that connect to the sacral nerve. This device sends small electrical pulses to improve communication between the brain and bladder, giving patients more control of their bladder movements. 

BEST Health System

Find relief from your incontinence issues with the BEST Health System. Call us to speak with a Patient Care Coordinator and learn more about Sacral Nerve Stimulation trials with our passionate team.