Neuromodulation with Mark Aasen, MD

Meet Mark Aasen, MD

Mark Aasen, MD, is board-certified in anesthesiology and pain management. At BEST Health System, he works closely with patients to help them achieve relief from debilitating like neuropathy, complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS), failed back surgery syndrome (FBSS), and other chronic pain disorders. With over 20 years of experience working in pain management, he is a leader in the industry and is a trusted source for countless patients. 

BEST Health System partners with top pain management doctors to connect patients to nearby clinics. Dr. Mark Aasen is located at BEST Health System’s location in Waukesha, Wisconsin, a pain management clinic dedicated to helping patients find relief from common chronic pain conditions. At BEST, we believe that patient education is fundamental to successful treatment. Continue reading to learn more about treatment with Dr. Mark Aasen, and how you can get started on your path toward recovery.

The Beginning Stages of Finding Relief from Chronic Pain

Living with chronic pain can be physically and mentally exhausting, but taking the first step toward relief can put you on a path to a better quality of life. This journey begins with understanding your pain, exploring treatment options, and finding the right provider to guide you through the process. 

Early treatment for chronic pain conditions like neuropathy and complex regional pain syndrome often begins with conservative, at-home therapies to minimize symptoms. Once you have a diagnosis, your doctor will typically encourage you to try a range of methods including physical therapy, anti-inflammatory pain medications, lifestyle changes, and more. 

If patients continue to experience pain after exploring conservative therapies, their doctor might recommend they explore minimally invasive surgery. Minimally invasive surgery is different from traditional surgical procedures as it involves smaller incisions and quicker recovery times. Neuromodulation is a minimally invasive procedure that is highly successful in helping patients achieve meaningful relief from a range of conditions that manifest chronic pain. 

Neuromodulation with Dr. Mark Aasen

BEST Health System is the leading provider of neuromodulation to patients across the country. Dr. Mark Aasen and other BEST doctors work collaboratively with patients to help them achieve relief from neuropathy and other conditions. 

Neuromodulation works by altering nerve activity to reduce pain signals before they reach the brain. One of the most common forms is spinal cord stimulation (SCS), where a small device is implanted to send mild electrical pulses to the spinal cord, interrupting pain signals and providing significant relief. For certain conditions, peripheral nerve stimulation (PNS) may also be an option, targeting specific nerves outside the spinal cord.

Patients suffering from conditions such as failed back surgery syndrome, complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS), or neuropathic pain may benefit from neuromodulation. Dr. Aasen carefully evaluates each patient to determine whether they are a candidate and guides them through the process, from trial stimulation to long-term pain management.

Schedule Your Appointment Today

Schedule your appointment today to take the first step toward relief. At BEST Health System, our doctors work with patients to design a treatment plan that easily slips into their lifestyle. 

Connect with us today to get started on your treatment journey.