Scoliosis Symptoms
What is Scoliosis? Scoliosis describes the abnormal curvature of the spine. The types of scoliosis symptoms that someone experiences will depend entirely on the severity
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What is Scoliosis? Scoliosis describes the abnormal curvature of the spine. The types of scoliosis symptoms that someone experiences will depend entirely on the severity
Have You Been Diagnosed with Spinal Narrowing? For patients with mild to moderate spinal narrowing, treatment options can include medications, exercise, and alternative therapies. However,
Have You Been Diagnosed with Canal Stenosis? If you were recently diagnosed with central canal stenosis, you should have a firm background in this condition
Explaining Canal Stenosis The vertebrae of the spine are stacked on top of each other with discs in between that add cushioning and flexibility to
What is a Collapsed Disc? The term “collapsed disc” is not an accepted medical term. It is a common phrase describing conditions that affect the
Disc Protrusion Surgery Disc protrusion surgery is recommended when symptoms of this condition interfere with your day-to-day routines. Whether you’re just starting to consider surgery
Have You Been Diagnosed with a Bulging Disc? As you begin to research treatments for a bulging disc, you should consult your physician or spine
What is Canal Stenosis? Symptoms of spinal canal stenosis only occur when the spinal canal becomes constricted and the nerve roots or spinal cord become
Have You Been Diagnosed with Degenerative Joint Disease? Degenerative joint disease in the spine can have a profound impact on a person’s quality of life.
Have You Been Diagnosed with a Degenerative Spine? You may feel overhwelmed if you have recently been diagnosed with a degenerative spine condition. However, it’s
What is Failed Back Surgery Syndrome? Failed back surgery syndrome, also known as FBSS, is any pain or discomfort that continues, develops, or increases after
What is Minimally Invasive Surgery? Prior to medical advancements in the 1980s, traditional procedures, such as open back surgery, were a patient’s only option. Today,
What is Facet Syndrome? Facet syndrome, also known as osteoarthritis is a condition that can occur when the smooth cartilage that lines the facet joints
What is Degenerative Disc Disease? Degenerative disc disease (DDD) is a spinal condition in which the discs deteriorate as a result of years of wear
What is Degenerative Joint Disease? Degenerative joint disease (DJD), otherwise called spinal osteoarthritis or arthritis of the spine, is a common condition affecting millions of
What is Degenerative Joint Disease? Degenerative joint disease, also called osteoarthritis, is a condition that involves the deterioration of the protective, smooth articular cartilage of
What is Facet Syndrome? Facet syndrome is a form of osteoarthritis that affects the facet joints of the spine. Since this is typically age-related, people
What is Failed Back Surgery Syndrome? Failed back surgery syndrome, or FBSS, is a term that may be used when a person undergoes neck or
What is Failed Back Surgery Syndrome? Failed back surgery syndrome can be defined as any set of pain or symptoms that either has not been
What is Failed Back Surgery Syndrome? Failed back surgery syndrome (FBSS) can occur when a traditional open spine surgery does not effectively treat a patient’s
What is a Bone Spur? To define a spinal bone spur, it’s important to have a basic understanding of how the condition occurs, as well
Have You Been Diagnosed with Canal Stenosis? If you’ve been diagnosed with canal stenosis, finding meaningful pain relief may be a bit of a challenge.
What is Facet Syndrome? Exercise is often a key component of facet syndrome treatment. People with facet syndrome are frequently advised to complete regular sessions
If you’ve recently been diagnosed with facet syndrome, don’t worry about surgery just yet – many people with the condition are able to manage their