Preventing Canal Stenosis

Have You Been Diagnosed with Canal Stenosis?

If you were recently diagnosed with central canal stenosis, you should have a firm background in this condition as you seek treatment. Canal stenosis refers to the narrowing of the central spinal canal that protects the spinal cord. Additionally, central spinal canal stenosis has various names, such as spinal stenosis, canal stenosis, or central stenosis. Foraminal stenosis refers to stenosis of the vertebral foramen, the passages through which spinal nerve roots pass as they leave the spinal cord and go to various body parts. 

Both types of stenosis potentially cause severe symptoms if the narrowing causes nerve compression. These symptoms can include pain, numbness, weakness, tingling, and muscular paralysis. Since stenosis is often related to degenerative conditions caused by aging, it is not always preventable. However, there are some steps you can take to slow down the potential development of this condition. 

Preventing Canal Stenosis

Many of the ways to maintain a healthy spine are the same steps you should take for general health. The spine supports most of your body weight and enables movements like twisting, bending, and flexing. You should limit pressure on the spine to keep the spine healthy. Here are some ways to keep the spine flexible and supple over the years, as well as maintain overall health:

  • Avoid smoking and other tobacco products
  • Maintain a healthy body weight
  • Exercise frequently
  • Stretch
  • Limit alcohol intake

Each of these recommendations can help keep your spinal anatomy as strong and healthy as possible, potentially combating the natural degeneration that takes place with aging, including the development of central canal stenosis.

Treatment with BEST Health System

At BEST Health System, we believe in a comprehensive approach to surgery. We recommend all patients begin treatment with conservative methods. However, surgery may sometimes be the only option for effective relief. If this is the case, consider a minimally invasive surgery with BEST Health System. It is our goal to help our patients find the least invasive, most effective treatment option. Contact BEST to learn more.