BEST Care: Finding a Doctor for Complex Regional Pain Syndrome

Understanding Complex Regional Pain Syndrome

Complex regional pain syndrome, CRPS, is a neuropathic pain condition that manifests as the result of traumatic injury resulting in nerve damage. This condition is caused by a malfunction in your central nervous system, which means your brain and spinal cord send mixed signals to the affected area. This can result in heightened sensitivity to touch, temperature changes, and even muscle spasms. It’s still a mystery why some people develop CRPS after an injury or surgery while others don’t, but it is believed to have something to do with genetics or immune system responses. 

BEST Health System is committed to providing advanced care to patients with complex regional pain syndrome and other neuropathic conditions. BEST Health System proudly employs in-demand interventional pain management specialists who are passionate about helping patients achieve relief. If you have recently been diagnosed with CRPS, or suspect you have it, continue reading. 

Finding Quality Treatment for CRPS

Since complex regional pain syndrome is a complicated condition to diagnose, it is important to run you through the typical diagnosis process. The diagnosis process will usually begin with a review of the patient’s symptoms as well as a physical examination. Sometimes, imaging will be recommended to disqualify the potential of other conditions. To confirm a complex regional pain syndrome diagnosis, the doctor will see if the patient’s concerns match up with the symptoms of CRPS. 

Finding quality treatment for complex regional pain syndrome can be incredibly challenging for patients. Unfortunately, chronic pain conditions are often overlooked since the condition is not physically visible or noticeable through imaging. It is important to find a specialist who has experience working with CRPS patients and understands their symptoms. 

Spinal Cord Stimulation for Complex Regional Pain Syndrome Patients

Spinal cord stimulation (SCS) has emerged as a promising treatment option for patients suffering from CRPS. This procedure involves the implantation of electrodes along the spinal cord to deliver low-level electrical impulses that disrupt or mask pain signals to the brain. This therapy has been shown to provide significant relief for CRPS patients who have failed to respond to other treatments. 

BEST Health System is the leading provider of spinal cord stimulation care to patients throughout the United States. With over 40 locations nationwide, our services are easily accessible to a wider range of patients. 

You deserve to find relief from your neuropathic pain. Whether you are not able to participate in your favorite activities or are kept from your family, BEST is here to help you achieve the relief you have been looking for. 

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