Finding Relief from Complex Regional Pain Syndrome

Most Common Symptoms of Complex Regional Pain Syndrome

Complex regional pain syndrome, sometimes referred to as CRPS, is a chronic condition that causes patients to experience severe pain and inflammation in the body. This condition can develop for a number of reasons, but it is most commonly due to traumatic injury, infection, autoimmune diseases, and sometimes genetics. Although complex, this condition can be managed through a detailed treatment plan that includes pain management methods and preventative measures such as lifestyle changes. 

Patients with complex regional pain syndrome may experience a range of symptoms:

  • Burning and tingling sensations in the extremities
  • Stiff muscles
  • Changes in the hair, skin, and nails in the affected limb
  • Limited function and difficulty walking

BEST Health System works closely with patients to help them find relief from these symptoms. We support patients by designing a treatment plan that will address their symptoms and implementing preventative habits to prevent further damage from occurring.

Managing Complex Regional Pain Syndrome

The first step of CRPS treatment involves comprehensive diagnostics to ensure the doctor understands the ins and outs of the patient’s unique condition. Complex regional pain syndrome can be a difficult condition to manage due to its complex nature and lack of defining qualities detectable through traditional diagnostics. Instead, the CRPS diagnostic process involves a review of the patient’s symptoms and disqualifying other conditions through imaging modalities. 

Treatment strategies typically include a combination of pharmacological interventions. In addition to medications, physical therapy focused on desensitization techniques and improving range of motion can be beneficial in restoring function and reducing pain. Psychological support plays an important role in enhancing coping mechanisms and addressing any underlying emotional distress that may contribute to the pain experience. 

Best Lifestyle Changes for CRPS Patients

Implementing healthy lifestyle changes is an excellent way to combat chronic conditions like CRPS. Patients with complex regional pain syndrome should consider implementing these changes as they can manage existing pain and prevent it from worsening. This includes switching to a healthier diet rich in nutrients, engaging in low-impact exercise, and quitting smoking/limiting alcohol intake. Making these changes is more beneficial to the nervous system and prevents patients from developing additional health concerns. 

Treatment with BEST Health System

BEST Health System is dedicated to providing patients with advanced chronic pain care. We understand that complex regional pain syndrome is difficult to manage and treat, which is why we work closely with patients to curate a unique plan that addresses their symptoms and concerns. 

BEST Health System works with clinics across the country to implement advanced care options such as spinal cord stimulation therapy. This procedure helps patients who live with chronic pain or a condition that causes significant discomfort in one of the limbs. Are you interested in learning more about complex regional pain syndrome and treatment options? Connect with us today.