Four Reasons Why Complex Regional Pain Syndrome Develops

Understanding Complex Regional Pain Syndrome

Complex regional pain syndrome, CRPS, is a common condition that affects a variety of patients. Patients with CRPS may experience burning or throbbing pain, changes in skin temperature, limited range of motion, and muscle weakness. This condition can be difficult to understand, especially due to its close connection to the nervous system. 

BEST Health System is a modern healthcare clinic specializing in treating chronic pain. Chronic pain can be incredibly frustrating since it is such a complex condition and symptom to diagnose. Continue reading to learn more about why complex regional pain syndrome might develop. 

Five Reasons for the Development of Complex Regional Pain Syndrome

It is very important to understand the cause of complex regional pain syndrome. This can help patients and their doctors determine the most effective treatment approach. Below you can find some of the most common causes of complex regional pain syndrome. 

  1. Trauma or Injury to the Affected Limb. When a limb is injured, the body’s nervous system can become sensitized, leading to abnormal and excessive pain signals being sent to the affected area. This can result in inflammation, swelling, changes in skin temperature and color, and sensitivity to touch. 
  2. Nerve Damage or Dysfunction. When nerves are injured, they can become hyperactive and send abnormal pain signals to the brain, leading to the symptoms of CRPS. 
  3. Inflammatory Response in the Body. The inflammatory response in the body plays a significant role in the development and progression of CRPS. When tissue damage occurs, immune cells release pro-inflammatory mediators such as cytokines and chemokines, which trigger an inflammatory cascade leading to increased blood flow, swelling, and sensitization of nerve fibers.
  4. Genetics or Family History. Specific gene variants have been identified that are linked to an increased susceptibility to develop CRPS following trauma or surgery. These genetic factors can influence neuroinflammation, nerve function, and pain processing pathways within the central nervous system.

Treatment with BEST Health System

BEST Health System helps patients find relief from their chronic pain. From conservative therapies to minimally invasive procedures, our treatment plans can help patients with varying levels of chronic pain. 

Patients who suffer from debilitating pain as the result of complex regional pain syndrome may consider spinal cord stimulation. This is a modern therapy that prevents pain signals from reaching the brain. This is an excellent option for those who suffer from nerve-related pain that has not responded to conservative approaches including physical therapy and medication. 
If you are considering spinal cord stimulation for chronic pain, find a specialist with BEST Health System. We partner with clinics across the United States to improve patient accessibility to quality pain management care. Contact us today.