Four Remedies for Failed Back Surgery Syndrome Pain

Understanding Failed Back Surgery Syndrome

Failed back surgery syndrome (FBSS) is a complex condition that manifests as the result of an unsuccessful spine surgery. You may believe you have this condition if months pass after surgery and you continue to experience severe pain, often worse than it was before the surgery. There are a few reasons why a spine surgery may be unsuccessful, including incorrect diagnosis, incorrect surgical approach, or nerve damage. 

Understanding failed back surgery syndrome is a significant part of successful treatment. Patients who understand their condition and can recognize symptoms are more likely to successfully find treatment and recover from this condition. Therefore, we are dedicated to providing resources for patient education. 

BEST Health System is a modern ambulatory center that provides excellent patient care. We work with patients to understand their condition and concerns and help them create a treatment plan to ensure relief. Continue reading to learn more about FBSS and different ways to manage it. 

Remedies for Failed Back Surgery Syndrome

Like many spine and orthopedic conditions, the best treatment plan for failed back surgery syndrome involves a combination of therapies and pain management methods. We typically encourage our patients to explore a range of treatment options before considering further surgical intervention.

  1. Physical therapy exercises. Physical therapy is an important part of the treatment process for FBSS. During this treatment, patients will work with their physical therapist to improve their range of motion, build strength, and fix posture. 
  2. Medication options for managing pain. Medications are often prescribed to patients who experience debilitating back pain as the result of a failed spine surgery. Although this treatment does not provide a direct solution to the condition, it can help patients manage pain. 
  3. Alternative treatments. Many patients report that alternative treatments play a significant role in managing FBSS pain. This involves acupuncture, yoga, and stretching. 
  4. Lifestyle changes to improve overall health. Lifestyle changes including healthy eating, exercise, and quitting drinking and smoking can play a huge role in preventing chronic pain from worsening. 

Failed Back Surgery Syndrome Treatment with BEST Health System

BEST Health System works closely with patients to help them find solutions for their chronic pain. Whether you have not yet found a diagnosis or you are seeking a specific treatment, BEST can help. Our pain management specialists are dedicated to providing premier care for those suffering from debilitating back pain

BEST Health System offers spinal cord stimulation trials for those seeking relief from FBSS. If you are interested in spinal cord stimulation therapy with BEST, connect with us today.