Four Signs You Have Failed Back Surgery Syndrome

What is Failed Back Surgery Syndrome?

Failed back surgery syndrome (FBSS) is an unfortunate condition that is a result of an unsuccessful spine surgery. This condition can be incredibly frustrating for patients who recently underwent surgery to find relief from severe back pain. What was intended to solve your pain resulted in additional discomfort. Now you may be wondering – how do I identify failed back surgery syndrome and what are the next steps?

BEST Health System works closely with failed back surgery syndrome patients to help them find meaningful relief from their back pain.  To do this, we work with the patient to identify their condition, what surgery they underwent, and what can be done to minimize their pain. 

There are many reasons why a back surgery might fail. Whether the patient was misdiagnosed, nerve damage occurred, or the surgeon performed the surgery incorrectly, failed spine surgery can be devastating for the patient and their family. Continue reading to learn more about this complex condition and six ways you can identify symptoms. 

Identifying Failed Back Surgery Syndrome Symptoms

After undergoing spine surgery, further injury is likely the last thing on our minds. Immediately after leaving the surgery center, most of us feel hopeful and look forward to a speedy recovery. However, some patients who undergo spine surgery report that their back pain persists, or worsens, after they have undergone surgery. Although some postoperative discomfort and pains are normal to an extent, anything further may be an indication of failed back surgery syndrome. Let’s talk about it. 

Four Indications You Might Have Failed Back Surgery Syndrome

  1. Pain that lasts months after surgery. Although some postoperative pain is normal, pain that persists months after surgery may be an indication of a failed surgery
  2. Spinal Weakness. Experiencing weakness after back surgery may be an indication that a nerve was compressed or damaged during spine surgery. 
  3. Limited Mobility. Right after surgery, it is normal to experience some limited mobility, especially in the days directly following. However, if your physical therapist notices that your progress is slow and you are not reaching your intended milestones, you may speak to your doctor about the potential of a failed surgery. 
  4. Back Spasms. Back spasms are a common indication of failed back surgery syndrome. If you experience a combination of all these symptoms months after surgery, you should talk to your doctor about treatment options. 

Spinal Cord Stimulation with BEST Health System

BEST Health System is proud to offer advanced spinal cord stimulation to those who suffer from failed back surgery syndrome. After undergoing a failed back surgery, you are likely uninterested in undergoing another invasive procedure. Spinal cord stimulation is a quick, minimally invasive procedure that is reversible, and helps patients achieve significant relief. 
Find the comfort you deserve today. Connect with BEST Health System to get started on your path towards recovery.