Is Failed Back Surgery Syndrome a Disability?

Understanding Failed Back Surgery Syndrome

Failed back surgery syndrome is a condition that develops more commonly in patients who have undergone traditional open spine surgery that has failed or done well for a period of time until the symptoms return. Suffering from failed back surgery syndrome can certainly be a disability for the person who has it. However, the steps in the following article can help you manage the disability it causes.

BEST Health System is a modern ambulatory surgery center offering advanced care to chronic pain patients. If you have been diagnosed with failed back surgery syndrome after an unsuccessful spine surgery, we understand your hesitancy. We work with FBSS patients to help them regain function and confidence in their life. 

How to Know If You Have Failed Back Surgery Syndrome

If you are suffering from failed back surgery syndrome, you may be experiencing the following symptoms:

  • Chronic pain
  • Limited mobility
  • Spasms
  • Cramping
  • Numbness
  • Tingling
  • Anxiety
  • Depression

FBSS Treatment with BEST Health System

If you have had back surgery and your symptoms have returned or new ones have developed, your doctor may recommend conservative therapy such as pain medications, steroid injections, low impact exercise, massage therapy and physical therapy to alleviate your symptoms. However, if your symptoms do not improve after several weeks or months, then additional surgery may be necessary to relieve failed back surgery syndrome.

We know how daunting getting an additional surgery could be after dealing with your disability. However, we want you to know that the procedures offered at BEST Health System carry a lower risk of complication, a shorter recovery period, and a safer and more effective alternative to traditional open spine surgery. Contact BEST Health System today to learn more about our streamlined patient experience, which allows you to quickly return to your daily routine.