Only the BEST: Sacral Nerve Stimulation with BEST Health System

What is Sacral Nerve Stimulation?

Sacral nerve stimulation is a minimally invasive treatment option for patients suffering from urinary and fecal incontinence and urgency issues. This procedure involves implanting a small neurotransmitter device in the buttocks that delivers electrical impulses to the sacral nerves. The sacral nerves are responsible for controlling the muscles that contribute to bladder and bowel function. 

This treatment is an excellent option for patients who struggle to find relief from incontinence issues. This nonaddictive, removable incontinence treatment option is optimal for patients who either did not achieve relief through medicinal methods or those who do not want to depend on medication. 

BEST Health System is dedicated to helping patients find relief from incontinence issues that control their lives. Our passionate, dedicated medical professionals work closely with patients to understand and appreciate their unique conditions, concerns, and goals. BEST is proud to offer advanced incontinence care to patients in Cleveland, Ohio, and the surrounding areas. 

Sacral Nerve Stimulation Trials 

If you are a candidate for sacral nerve stimulation, you will undergo a trial to see if the device can help you manage your condition. During this trial period, patients will use the device for 3-5 days, during which the doctor will work with the patient to determine the optimal electrical pulses to manage incontinence. 

Candidacy for this procedure involves a few steps to ensure it is the correct treatment path for the patient. Before being approved, patients are expected to explore two or more treatments (medications, physical therapy, botox, etc.). If these are not successful and nerve tests point to the S3 nerve, their doctor may recommend sacral nerve stimulation.

Sacral Nerve Stimulation with BEST

BEST Health System is the leader in sacral nerve stimulation. Our passionate doctors work closely with patients to ensure they are comfortable with treatment and are informed each step of the way. 

The procedure process and daily usage are fairly simple. The devices last 15-20 years, but can be removed at any time if the patient wishes. This is a common procedure that is typically covered by Medicare and most private insurance. With an 89% success rate, this is an ideal option for many patients with fecal or urinary incontinence. 

Get Started Today

What has incontinence held you back from? Whether you miss hanging out with friends or family, avoid your favorite activities, or just deal with leakage, you deserve to find relief. 
Get started on your path to recovery today. Contact BEST Health System to meet with our Sacral Nerve Stimulation Specialists and start your trial.