Peroneal Nerve Release of the Knee

Peroneal Nerve Release of the Knee

Peroneal nerve release of the knee is a procedure that releases compression in the peroneal nerve. The tibial nerve wraps around the knee and slides as the knee moves, however, individuals with peroneal nerve entrapment, this nerve can become inflamed. This inflammation can cause debilitating pain that worsens with movement, and could become permanently damaged if left untreated. 

Individuals with peroneal nerve entrapment may experience a variety of symptoms including numbness, muscle weakness, and neuropathic pain running down the leg. Peroneal nerve release decompresses the nerve at the fibular head. 


This procedure is performed under general anesthesia and uses imaging techniques to examine the peripheral nerves during the operation. This allows the surgeon to locate and directly access the damaged tibial nerve. The surgeons at BEST Health System specialize in minimally invasive surgeries, which includes smaller incisions and faster recovery times. During surgery, they will separate the entrapped nerve and use fluid to decompress the nerve and release the pain. 


After the procedure, patients should expect a small recovery period. While many patients are able to walk after treatment, it is important they minimize physical activity for a short period of time after surgery to ensure the area is healing correctly. Each patient will receive information on the recovery plan they will follow, and it is important to follow it carefully to ensure proper recovery. 

BEST Health System

While surgery is often a scary thought, BEST Health System offers patients access to surgeons who specialize in minimally invasive surgical procedures. This allows for faster recovery times, and, more importantly, getting back to the people and activities you love. If you are interested in learning more about the surgical options offered through BEST, contact our dedicated team today and get started on your path to recovery. 

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