The Seven Benefits of Minimally Invasive Surgery

What is Minimally Invasive Treatment?

Minimally invasive surgery is an alternative to traditional surgery that yields better results, quicker recoveries, and fewer hospital visits. This form of surgery is often recommended to patients who do not necessarily require open surgery but would benefit from a correctional procedure. You may be wondering how minimally invasive surgery differs from traditional surgery, and we are here to help you understand the qualities and benefits of each approach. 

Minimally invasive surgery has become more common in the last decade due to the spread of modern medical technology. Arthroscopes and other surgery instruments that provide visuals during surgery allow healthcare professionals to access and work on different regions through a smaller incision. Previously, open surgery would be necessary so the surgeon could view the entire area, but these modern advancements offer a plethora of benefits. 

At BEST Health System, we offer minimally invasive surgical alternatives to traditional procedures. We understand the hesitancy associated with surgical procedures, whether it be the recovery time, the hospital stay, or the price. Our spine and orthopaedic procedures allow patients the benefits of traditional surgery while skipping the ideal parts. 

Seven Benefits of Minimally Invasive Surgery

  1. Reduced risk of infection compared to traditional surgery methods: Minimally invasive surgery reduces the risk of infection due to smaller incisions. 
  2. Smaller incisions result in less scarring: Modern medical technology takes away the need for large incisions, allowing for significantly less scarring. 
  3. Shorter hospital visits and stays: Outpatient approaches do not require that patients stay in the hospital for days at a time. 
  4. Improved cosmetic outcomes: Patients can enjoy the benefits of surgery without dealing with significant scarring. 
  5. Shorter recovery periods: Minimally invasive approaches result in shorter recovery times, allowing patients to get back to the activities they love. 
  6. Enhanced precision and accuracy with the use of advanced technology: Arthroscopes and other imaging instruments allow surgeons to better visualize the region during surgery. 
  7. More affordable than traditional surgery: Outpatient procedures are less expensive due to the structure of outpatient centers, in comparison to hospitals. 

Surgery with BEST Health System

BEST Health System is a modern ambulatory center that offers premier surgery options. We offer both modern and traditional surgeries and help patients make informed treatment decisions. From spine and orthopaedics to chronic pain management, our board-certified surgeons help patients reach their health goals. 
Are you interested in learning more about the benefits of different BEST procedures? Contact us today to see what surgeries have minimally invasive alternatives.