Spinal Cord Stimulator Therapy for FBSS Patients

Understanding Failed Back Surgery Syndrome

Failed back surgery syndrome, often referred to as FBSS, is a chronic condition that manifests as the result of an unsuccessful spine surgery. Oftentimes, the pain associated with this condition is more severe than the pain of the original spine condition. There are a few reasons why surgery can go wrong, including scar tissue formation, nerve damage, incorrect diagnosis, and more. The diagnostic process for failed back surgery syndrome includes imaging, physical examinations, and a review of the patient’s medical history to determine the best treatment approach. 

BEST Health System is a modern ambulatory center dedicated to helping patients find relief from chronic pain. Failed back surgery syndrome can be incredibly complex to treat, and it takes a quality medical team to successfully help patients. Continue reading to learn more about FBSS treatment and BEST Health System can help.

What is Spinal Cord Stimulation Therapy?

Spinal cord stimulator devices are a surgically implanted device that sends electrical pulses to block pain signals before they reach the brain. These pulses provide relief for chronic pain conditions such as neuropathy, failed back surgery syndrome, and complex regional pain syndrome. The therapy is typically recommended for individuals who have not found relief from other forms of treatment and are looking for alternative options to manage their pain levels. This therapy has been shown to be effective in reducing pain and improving the quality of life for many patients, with minimal side effects and a low risk of complications.

Candidacy for Spinal Cord Stimulator Devices

Before patients consider SCS therapy, their physician will typically recommend that they experiment with conservative therapies. This includes pain medications, physical therapy, and lifestyle modifications. If patients cannot find relief through these methods, they may begin considering further treatment. 

Before surgical implantation of a spinal cord stimulator, patients are required to do a trial to see how it aids their chronic pain. If patients experience significant relief and reduced symptoms of tingling and numbness. If you are curious about candidacy for spinal cord stimulation therapy, the team at BEST can help. 

Treatment with BEST Health System

BEST Health System is the leader in spinal cord stimulation therapy. Our team works closely with patients who suffer from chronic pain to identify the root of their condition and design an individualized treatment plan. 

We know how debilitating failed back surgery syndrome can be, and we understand seeking further treatment can be daunting. We encourage you to seek treatment and find a treatment method that works for you. Contact BEST today to learn more about our treatment programs.