Understanding Fecal Incontinence

What is Fecal Incontinence?

Fecal incontinence is a common condition that is characterized by the inability to control bowel movements. There are different severities of fecal incontinence – it can range from occasional leaking to complete loss of bowel control. The rectum, anus, pelvic muscles, and nervous system must work together for bowel movements. If there is a problem relating to any of these systems, it can lead to incontinence. If you suffer from this condition, you have likely looked into different treatment modalities to achieve relief. 

BEST Health System offers advanced care to patients suffering from incontinence issues. We understand that these conditions can prevent you from living a comfortable lifestyle. Therefore, we are dedicated to helping our patients find meaningful relief from incontinence. Continue reading to learn more about fecal incontinence.

What Causes the Development of Fecal Incontinence?

There are various reasons why an individual may develop fecal incontinence. Long-term illnesses including dementia and multiple sclerosis are commonly linked to the development of fecal incontinence. In women, hormonal changes during menopause can also contribute to the development of incontinence. Additionally, lifestyle factors such as obesity, smoking, and high-impact physical activities can put added strain on the pelvic floor muscles and contribute to urinary leakage. Understanding the cause of the incontinence is imperative during treatment. This will allow the doctor to understand your unique condition and curate a specific treatment plan. 

Common Fecal Incontinence Symptoms

Fecal incontinence affects individuals in many ways. Patients with this condition may experience less awareness of their bowel movements, leakage, inability to get to the bathroom fast enough, and more. If you experience these symptoms and are actively seeking relief – it might be just around the corner. 

Treatment with BEST Health System

BEST Health System is dedicated to helping patients find relief from their incontinence problems. You deserve to live a fulfilling life despite your condition. BEST offers an advanced treatment that is the perfect solution for patients dealing with severe incontinence issues. If you have explored conservative treatment options but still can’t find relief – you have another option. 

Sacral nerve stimulation is a modern therapy that allows patients to experience relief. Connect with BEST today to learn more.