Understanding Phantom Limb Pain

What is Phantom Limb Pain?

Phantom limb pain is a complex condition that affects patients who suffered a traumatic injury that resulted in them having a limb amputated. Patients with phantom limb pain may experience confusing symptoms that result in them experiencing sensations in the region of the amputated limb. For example, patients who had an arm amputated may experience tingling, itching, or burning sensations in the location of the amputated limb. The specific mechanisms behind phantom limb pain are not yet fully understood, likely because of its close connection to the nervous system. 

BEST Health System helps patients find relief from chronic pain. We understand that chronic pain is often overlooked, making patients’ concerns feel dismissed. Our pain management specialists are passionate about comprehensive care and helping patients achieve meaningful relief. 

Common Phantom Limb Pain Symptoms

Symptoms of phantom limb pain can vary vastly depending on the patient’s condition and the environment. The most common symptom of PLP is feelings of burning, cramping, shooting, stabbing, or crushing in the missing limb. Additionally, patients may also experience tingling sensations, itching, or the perception that the missing limb is in an uncomfortable position. Phantom limb pain can occur intermittently or persistently and factors such as stress, weather changes, or other environmental stimuli can trigger it.

How to Manage PLP

Treatment for phantom limb pain consists of various treatment methods to help the patient achieve meaningful levels of pain relief. Oftentimes, treatment will begin with the patient exploring at-home methods including pain medications, stretching, and warm baths. However, if the pain persists, they may consider further treatment. 

Mirror therapy is one of the most common treatment modalities for patients with persistent PLP. During this treatment, the patient will place a mirror between their leg or arm to give the brain the understanding that the limb is still there. As the patient moves their healthy limb, the brain will perceive that the amputated limb is still there, minimizing many pain signals. Although this therapy is commonly performed with a physical therapist, patients can easily practice this at home when seeking relief. 

Spinal Cord Stimulation with BEST Health System

BEST Health System is a modern ambulatory center offering advanced treatments and procedures to patients seeking relief from chronic pain. Patients who have not found relief through conservative therapies may seek further treatment. Spinal cord stimulation is an excellent option for patients who experience symptoms of nerve-related pain, including phantom limb pain. BEST Health System offers spinal cord stimulation trials so that patients can see if it is the right treatment plan for them before committing. 

Interested in treatment with the board-certified doctors at BEST? Contact us today to learn more.