What is Radiculopathy?

Understanding Radiculopathy

Radiculopathy is a condition that occurs when a nerve in the spinal column is compressed or irritated. This condition can affect all levels of the spine, including the lumbar, thoracic, and cervical regions. Various conditions can lead to the development of radiculopathy. This includes but is not limited to, degenerative disc disease, a pinched nerve, herniated discs, and other common spine conditions. 

Radiculopathy can manifest a variety of symptoms including shooting pain down the arms or legs, muscle weakness, difficulty controlling movements, and decreased sensation in specific areas of the body. In some cases, individuals may experience a loss of reflexes as well. If you experience any of these symptoms, prompt treatment is important. Early diagnosis is essential for a successful treatment process – as you can catch it in the early stages. 

BEST Health System helps patients find relief from their chronic pain conditions. Continue reading if you suspect that you have radiculopathy or if a doctor has diagnosed you with this condition.

Diagnosing Radiculopathy 

Diagnosing radiculopathy involves a combination of physical examinations and imaging tests. To begin, your doctor will want to review your symptoms and your lifestyle routine to identify potential causes. Next, they will perform a physical examination to understand where your pain is located and what movements cause it. If necessary, your doctor will then recommend diagnostic imaging including X-ray, CT scan, MRI, and EMG. Imaging will help your doctor see what is causing the discomfort and will allow the doctor to write a detailed diagnosis.

Depending on your results, your doctor will create a specific treatment plan catered to your symptoms. 

Treating Radiculopathy

Non-surgical treatment options such as medications, physical therapy, and corticosteroid injections are often used to help patients manage symptoms and improve function. In cases where conservative measures fail to provide relief or if there is a progressive neurological deficit, surgical intervention may be necessary to alleviate nerve compression. 

BEST Health System

Spinal cord stimulation is a common treatment option for patients with radiculopathy and other chronic pain conditions. BEST Health System offers spinal cord stimulation trials so patients can decide if this is the right treatment option for their condition. If you are interested in learning more about radiculopathy treatment with BEST Health System, speak with one of our patient care coordinators today