Spinal Cord Stimulation with Dr. Ricardo Knight, MD

Understanding Spinal Cord Stimulation

Spinal cord stimulation (SCS) is a modern treatment option for patients suffering from chronic pain and neuropathy conditions. Spinal cord stimulators are small, implanted devices that have thin leads that deliver mild electrical impulses to the spinal cord. These impulses disrupt pain signals and help patients manage their symptoms. From relentless nerve pain affecting the lower extremities to spinal discomfort, spinal cord stimulation offers a solution to a range of conditions. 

Spinal cord stimulation is an optimal choice for patients who are not able to find relief through prescribed pain medication or physical therapy. This minimally invasive procedure negates the need for invasive surgery and offers a reversible solution. With an 80% success rate, spinal cord stimulator devices have become a popular choice for patients seeking relief from chronic pain. 

Chronic Pain and Neuropathy Treatment with Dr. Ricardo Knight, MD

Dr. Ricardo Knight is a Spinal Cord Stimulator Specialist located in Arlington Heights, Illinois. Dr. Knight works closely with patients to form a diagnosis, understand their symptoms and concerns, and help them achieve their medical goals. 

Like many medical procedures, the success of spinal cord stimulation comes down to the doctor. Finding a specialist who truly understands your condition is integral to the success of your treatment. Dr. Ricardo Knight is a caring practitioner who works with patients throughout their treatment journey and recovery. 

Dr. Ricardo Knight proudly treats the following conditions:

  • Autonomic neuropathy
  • Diabetic neuropathy
  • Focal neuropathy
  • Proximal neuropathy
  • Painful diabetic neuropathy
  • Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS)
  • Chronic pain
  • Failed back surgery syndrome (FBSS)

At BEST Health System, we believe that patient education is integral to a successful treatment plan. Understanding your condition and how your body works can help you optimize your lifestyle to serve your health. 

Achieve Relief with Dr. Ricardo Knight of BEST Health System

Many patients with chronic pain and neuropathy are told that their symptoms are untreatable. Specialists are often quick to prescribe medications to minimize the effects of pain, but how often does medication really work?

At BEST Health System, we are dedicated to helping patients find lasting relief without the need for addictive medications. Our goal is to work with patients to determine a detailed diagnosis, see if conservative therapies like physical therapy are at all effective, and go from there. For those who still seek relief after exploring physical therapy, spinal cord stimulation might be the next step. 
BEST Health System is passionate about making quality chronic pain and neuropathy treatment more accessible. If you suffer from a neuropathy condition or chronic pain, consider treatment with the dedicated professionals at BEST Health System, now serving Arlington Heights, Illinois, and the surrounding communities. Click here to view our full list of 40+ locations across the United States.