Guide to a Pinched Nerve

For many people, having a pinched nerve is a common disorder. In fact, this condition will affect nearly everyone at some point in their lives, in some part of their body, because it is often caused by the natural aging process of the spine. Two of the most likely areas for a pinched nerve to develop in the neck and the back near the spinal cord. 

When nerve compression occurs, it leads to a wide range of symptoms that can travel the length of the nerve pathway – from the spine to the extremities. Treating this condition can be done by reducing the pressure on the pinched nerve, but in order to do this successfully, the exact cause and location of the nerve compression must first be identified. To help you get a further overview of this degenerative condition, proceed to reading the following article. 


The brain sends and receives motor and sensory signals, both voluntary and involuntary, by way of the central nervous system as well as a complex infrastructure of nerves that branch off the spinal cord and extend throughout the body. When this transfer of information is interfered with, the body responds with a number of potential symptoms depending on the specific pinched nerve, the severity of the compression, and the cause of the problem. 

Some of the symptoms frequently associated with nerve compression include:

  • Pain
  • Numbness
  • Tingling
  • Muscle weakness
  • A feeling of pins and needles

Since these signals travel throughout the nerve pathways, a pinched nerve in the lower back could result in pain and symptoms in the buttocks, legs, or feet, depending on the severity of the pinched nerve. 

Degenerative Spine Conditions

Pinched nerves in the neck and the back are commonly a result of a degenerative spine condition that develops gradually over time as a result of regular wear. Herniated or bulging discs, osteoarthritis, the presence of bone spurs, spondylolisthesis, and degenerative disc disease can all result in a pinched nerve. 

Pinched Nerve Surgery Options

Surgery is typically the last resort for treating pinched nerves, which are caused by an out-of-place spinal component. The appropriate type of surgery for you depends on which part of your spine is affected. 

In most cases, conservative treatments such as physical therapy, pain medication, or adhering to an exercise routine can manage your symptoms. However, if you’re one of the rare patients who hasn’t found relief through these methods within several weeks or months, it may be beneficial to reach out to BEST Health System to determine if you are a candidate for minimally invasive spine surgery. 

BEST Health System offers a range of surgical options including:

  • Laminotomy – A laminotomy involves the removal of part of the bony roof of a vertebra. This gives the components of the spine more space and it can eliminate troublesome compression on a nerve. 
  • Foraminotomy – A foraminotomy involves the widening of the opening in between two vertebrae. The procedure is designed to clean out the canal through which nerve roots pass from the spinal cord to affect the rest of the body. Sometimes, these passages can become narrower – a condition called foraminal stenosis. This condition can lead to a pinched nerve. However, by eliminating any extraneous tissue, our surgeons can relieve the pinched nerve symptoms. 
  • Discectomy and Spinal Fusion – A discectomy is a process by which our surgeons remove part of a bulging or herniated disc. Sometimes, these discs pinch surrounding nerves, so taking a small piece of the disc out can put an end to the associated symptoms. In more severe cases that require the removal of the entire disc, the procedure is coupled with a minimally invasive stabilization surgery to grow two vertebrae together and close the gap left by the removed disc. 

BEST Health System

If you are interested in learning more about the therapeutic and surgical options offered through BEST Health System, contact our team today. Our board-certified surgeons specialize in minimally invasive procedures which negates the need for a long recovery time or large incisions. Take the first step towards recovery by calling BEST Health System. The BEST is yet to come.