What Is Cervical Decompression Therapy

If you have ever been diagnosed with a cervical (upper) spine condition, such as a herniated disc or bulging disc, that causes nerve compression, you may benefit from cervical decompression therapy. 

The purpose of cervical decompression therapy is to release pressure on the affected nerve in the spinal column that is causing chronic pain and other uncomfortable symptoms. Symptoms of nerve compression in the cervical spine include pain, numbness, tingling, and impaired movement that can stay localized in the neck or radiate through the shoulders, arms, and hands. 

If you are suffering from these symptoms and want to learn more about the full range of treatment options, consult your doctor about cervical decompression therapy. You can also contact the team at BEST Health System for more information about the full range of treatment options. 

What Causes Cervical Nerve Compression

The spine is composed of a complex system of vertebrae, discs, joints, and nerves. As we age the natural degeneration of the spine can lead to the development of certain spine conditions, such as a herniated disc or spinal arthritis. When these conditions occur, displaced disc material or an arthritic bone spur can put pressure on surrounding spinal nerves, causing pain and other symptoms. 

Cervical decompression is a treatment designed to take pressure off the affected nerve root through a number of different methods. 

Non-Surgical Cervical Decompression Therapy 

There are a variety of nonoperative methods that can achieve cervical decompression, at least temporarily, such as physical therapy, yoga, massage, or chiropractic adjustment. 

To remove the compression nonsurgically, rather than just treating the symptoms, there is a technique called nonsurgical spinal decompression that uses motorized traction devices in an attempt to pull displaced disc material back into its proper position. This traction pad is designed to lengthen and stretch the spine, allowing the pressure on the spine to reduce and the bulging or damaged disc to move back into place between the vertebrae. 

Typically a doctor of chiropractic medicine performs a cervical decompression. Talk to your primary care doctor about whether this form of treatment may work for you and if they can refer you to a chiropractor in your area. 

Minimally Invasive Cervical Decompression Surgery

If your neck pain has continued despite fully exhausting conservative treatment, you and your doctor may have begun to consider a surgical treatment option for pain relief. 

At BEST Health System our minimally invasive spine surgery is a safer and more effective alternative to traditional open back procedures. Our minimally invasive decompression and minimally invasive stabilization surgeries are performed on an outpatient basis using muscle-sparing techniques. 

For more information about how our minimally invasive surgery can help treat your nerve compression, please reach out to our team today. We can help determine if you are a potential candidate for one of our procedures.