Five Treatment Methods for a Bone Spur Causing Lower Back Pain

Bone spurs form as a result of a worn-out disc creating large bone protrusions in the spine. This condition is often not symptomatic, as bone spurs are generally harmless. However, if the bone spur causes lower back pain and leads to compression of the nerves in your spine, this can lead to debilitating symptoms. This can include pain, numbness, tingling, and weakness. Therefore, it is important to be informed about possible treatment regimens available to help ease your symptoms. 

Treatment Options for Lower Back Pain Caused By Bone Spurs

If your bone spur causes lower back pain and begins to show symptoms, the first step in finding relief is to have a doctor perform a physical exam. This is then followed by imaging scans, in order to accurately diagnose your condition. Finally, you will work with your physician to come up with a treatment regimen that best fits your needs. 

A possible treatment plan backed by your doctor may include:

1. Lifestyle Changes

A bone spur that causes lower back pain can typically be alleviated by weight management and quitting bad habits. If you are overweight, shedding those excess pounds and maintaining a balanced diet will help with taking pressure off your spine and relieving nerve compression. Cutting out unhealthy habits such as smoking and reducing alcohol consumption can also benefit your spinal health by increasing the flow of oxygen-rich blood in your body. 

2. Pain Medication

A pain management physician may recommend epidural steroid injections in order to reduce swelling and lower back pain caused by bone spurs. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are another option that can help relieve pain and inflammation. However, if over-the-counter medications do not provide adequate relief, your physician will recommend muscle relaxants.

3. Physical Therapy

A physical therapist can help you improve cardiovascular and core muscle strength. Certain techniques that you may attempt in physical therapy may include transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS), massage therapy, hot and cold therapy, and training to help you stretch and strengthen the muscles that support your spine. This will assist in relieving the nerve pressure from a bone spur that causes lower back pain.

4. Low-Impact Exercises

Certain low-impact exercises may be beneficial in strengthening the muscles in the spine and easing your lower back pain caused by bone spurs. This may include swimming, walking, or bicycling so that the spinal vertebra undergoes less pressure. However, prior to performing these exercises, it is important to talk to your doctor to make sure that you do not exacerbate your condition. 

5. Spine Surgery

In the instance that the above nonsurgical therapies are not effective in relieving your symptoms after several weeks or months, surgical intervention may then become an option. If this is the case for you, contact BEST Health System to learn about the types of minimally invasive surgery we offer to help treat bone spurs causing lower back pain. Our outpatient procedures offer a safer and more effective alternative to traditional open-back surgery. 

Learn More About Minimally Invasive Surgery

BEST Health System is a leader in minimally invasive spine surgery and has helped many patients find relief from chronic neck or back pain. To treat a bone spur that causes lower back pain, our board-certified surgeons, Dr. Girton and Dr. Abbott will use a small incision and muscle-sparing techniques in order to remove a small portion of the bone spur that is causing discomfort. In more severe cases an artificial disc or device may be placed in the spine to stabilize the surrounding vertebrae. 

Reach out to our dedicated team today to learn more about our procedures. Our on-site MRI can help determine if you are a candidate for our minimally invasive spine surgery. We are here to help you move to the next step on your journey to wellness.