Maintaining a Healthy Spine to Prevent a Collapsed Disc

What is a Collapsed Disc?

A collapsed disc is a spinal condition in which a spinal disc becomes damaged and loses some of its height. This compression can cause a variety of symptoms, including neck or back pain, and may lead to other spinal conditions or complications. While a collapsed disc can develop as a natural part of the aging process, learning ways to keep the spine healthy and protect it from damage can help prevent the likelihood of a collapsed disc occurring.

How to Promote a Healthy Spine to Avoid a Collapsed Disc

Whether or not you’ve experienced a collapsed disc or other spinal condition in the past, here are some tips for keeping the spine healthy and protected:

  1. Maintain a healthy body weight. Excess body weight increases the level of compression in the spine. Losing extra pounds and staying at a healthy body weight can relieve some of this back strain. Having a healthy, balanced diet can help you reach your goals and keep your body healthy.
  2. Keep your spinal discs hydrated. Maintaining healthy spinal discs involves hydrating your body by drinking plenty of water. Additionally, you’ll want to avoid things that dehydrate the body, such as excessive alcohol consumption and tobacco products. Quitting smoking can greatly improve your spinal health as well as your overall health.
  3. Stay active with low-impact exercises. Staying active is important for your general health, but it also helps ensure the spine and surrounding muscles maintain strength and flexibility. Low-impact exercises and gentle stretching techniques, such as water aerobics, walking, and restorative yoga, are particularly beneficial because they do not cause excessive strain on the spine.
  4. Avoid activities that can strain the back. High-impact sports, such as rugby and football, increase the likelihood of a spinal injury. In your day-to-day life, it’s also important to be cognizant of movements that can strain the back. For example, when lifting heavy objects, ensure that you are bending at the knees and keeping the back straight to prevent putting strain on your spine.

Treatment with BEST Health System

A collapsed disc cannot always be avoided. Over the years, the spine endures a lot of wear and tear from normal, daily activities. This can lead to degenerative conditions, such as a weakened spinal disc that becomes susceptible to damage. If you’ve been diagnosed with a collapsed disc, you’ll want to discuss your treatment options with a physician. Contact BEST Health System today to learn more about treatment with our board-certified surgeons.