Preventing Arthritis of the Spine

Arthritis is one of the most common degenerative spine conditions. In fact, according to the CDC, one in four individuals will develop arthritis at one point in their lives. With this being said, you should know that there are preventative measures for arthritis of the spine that promote a spine-healthy lifestyle. 

The term “arthritis” is used to describe a collection of conditions that occur when there is inflammation in the joints and the connective tissue surrounding them. This inflammation can cause pain, stiffness, and swelling in the affected joints or even the spine. Arthritis of the spine, also known as osteoarthritis, is one of the most common spine conditions experienced by people over the age of 50. 

Risk Factors for Arthritis of the Spine

The exact cause of arthritis is unknown. Research has shown that genetics may play a role in the onset of this disease. However, while your genes may determine whether you are at risk for arthritis, there are still some arthritis prevention steps you can take to help lessen the chance of developing this potentially debilitating condition. 

These arthritis prevention steps include:

  • Weight management
  • A balanced diet
  • Low-impact exercise
  • Getting adequate rest
  • Not smoking or abusing alcohol

Arthritis prevention tips such as these may not help you be able to completely avoid the pain and stiffness associated with this disease, but they will help your chance of avoiding the condition and improving the health of your spine. If arthritis symptoms occur, there are several arthritis treatment options available to help reduce your pain. You can also learn about natural treatments for arthritis here

Arthritis Treatment Options

The first step to finding treatment for spinal arthritis is to schedule an appointment with your doctor to confirm your diagnosis. They will recommend a series of conservative treatments to help relieve the pain of arthritis in the spine. These treatments could include pain medication, physical therapy, acupuncture, chiropractic care, and other nonsurgical treatments. Much like with arthritis prevention, exercising and leading a healthy lifestyle could also help manage the effects of arthritis. 

Not all arthritis treatment is successful. In some cases, surgery may be recommended if several weeks or months of conservative care have not provided lasting pain relief. If this is your situation, we encourage you to research the minimally invasive spine surgery at BEST Health System. We offer a minimally invasive facet thermal ablation, which reduces the inflammation and swelling in the joints of the spine and deadens the nerves immediately around the arthritic joints to help prevent future pain.  

Due to our minimally invasive approach to spine surgery, our procedures offer patients a safer and effective alternative to traditional open neck or back surgery. If you would like to learn more about spinal arthritis prevention, as well as arthritis treatment options, contact BEST today. 

BEST Health System

BEST Health System is the leader in minimally invasive spine surgeries. After a diagnosis of arthritis of the spine, you may feel hopeless. However, BEST aims to help patients who want to avoid strenuous surgery by offering these less-invasive procedures. If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with arthritis of the spine, contact BEST to discover your next steps. The BEST is yet to come.