ACL Repair and Reconstruction

ACL Repair and Reconstruction

The knee joint has four main ligaments that help join the upper leg to the lower leg while providing flexibility and stability. The anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) runs across the front of the knee and connects the thigh to the shin, allowing forward motion. Injuries to the ACL are common, particularly due to sports, because of the stress it is frequently put under. 

ACL repair and reconstruction surgery may be recommended for severe tears that are not healing properly and/or not responding to conservative treatments. View this informative guide for more details concerning this procedure. 

Considering ACL Repair and Reconstruction

Patients experiencing ACL injuries frequently experience a pop in the knee after sudden stops, direction changes, or awkward movements. This is often accompanied by pain, swelling, and restricted movement. ACL injuries can heal with time, rest, and conservative treatments, like medication and physical therapy. 

If weeks or months of conservative treatment do not allow for a return to normal activities or the injury is worsening, patients may be referred to a surgeon. ACL repair and reconstruction procedures may also be recommended for serious athletes who want to continue playing their sport at a high level. 

Repair and Reconstruction

Due to advances in medical technology and surgical technique, surgeons can now perform knee surgery on an outpatient basis. With the ACL repair and reconstruction procedures, surgeons will typically follow these steps:

Enter the area through a small incision and use a device called an arthroscope, which is a camera at the end of a thin tube, to see into the joint
Remove the damaged portion of the ligament and use other soft tissue, typically part of a tendon, to repair the ligament
Remove all surgical equipment and close the incision

The goal of modern knee procedures is to minimize damage to surrounding tissue, and while patients typically return home on the day of the surgery, there is still a recovery period. Patients should carefully follow all rehabilitation guidelines and not resume activities too quickly to reduce the risk of reinjury.

For ACL injury recovery, physical therapy plays a critical role in strengthening the knee, increasing a healthy range of motion, and restoring function after surgery. 


For patients undergoing ACL reconstruction and/or repair procedures, the cost will depend on factors including the type of procedure and insurance carrier. Medicare does cover medically necessary ACL procedures. BEST accepts medicare, most private health insurance, workers’ compensation claims, and personal injury cases. 

Learn About ACL Procedures at BEST Health System

To learn more about our treatments for ACL and other knee injuries, including conservative and surgical options, contact BEST Health System today.

Procedure Doctors

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