Seven Spinal Narrowing Risk Factors You Should Know

Spinal narrowing, or spinal stenosis, is a broad term describing constriction of pathways in the spine. Along with helping our upper body stay upright, the spine protects the spinal cord as it travels from the brain to the rest of the body. The spinal cord is protected by the central spinal canal, and individual nerve roots exit through small openings.

Spinal narrowing happens when displaced anatomy, such as a bulging or herniated disc or a bone spur, constricts either the central spinal canal or the openings. This is a surprisingly common condition and it’s even possible for patients to develop it without knowing. However, if spinal narrowing results in compression of the spinal cord or nerves in and around the spinal column, pain can result. 

Whether you have been recently diagnosed with spinal narrowing or you’re researching potential causes of neck pain, back pain, or other symptoms, learning about the risk factors for this condition can help. From both a treatment and prevention standpoint, understanding spinal narrowing risk factors can help you on a long-term basis. 

As you read over the following helpful guide, don’t hesitate to get in touch with one of our dedicated representatives. We’ll help you learn more about treatment options for spinal narrowing that can help you get back to the quality of life you deserve.  

1. Age-related Degeneration

The primary cause of spinal narrowing is simply the natural aging process. As we get older, our bodies dry out and lose elasticity. The spinal column is highly flexible, but it requires the rubbery spinal discs and the spinal facet joints to bend and flex smoothly. 

As these parts begin to wear out over time, they become less able to withstand the stress they are placed under. The discs can lose height or develop bulges and herniation, while the joints can lose cartilage and joint fluid that leads to inflammation known as arthritis. Facet joint arthritis can also lead to the development of bone spurs that restrict movement and cause narrowing

2. Injury 

Although the injury is less of a direct risk factor for spinal narrowing than many people think, it can still be a significant contributor. Traumatic injuries such as falls or motor vehicle accidents can cause injuries to the discs or vertebrae that narrow the spinal column and causes compression of the spinal cord or nerves. Additionally, repetitive motion injuries caused by physical labor or exercises such as running can increase stress and be a potential risk factor. 

The best way to decrease the risk of long-term spinal narrowing is to take injuries seriously when they do occur. Follow any doctor-recommended guidelines for resting and returning to normal activities. Recurring injuries and reinjury are often associated with chronic pain and spinal nerve compression. 

3. Being overweight or obese

Carrying extra body weight is a major risk factor for spinal narrowing. This is because excess weight increases the stress on spinal anatomy and can compound natural forces. Whether spinal narrowing has already been diagnosed or you’re looking to prevent it, a weight management program can help.

Work with your doctor to develop a comprehensive plan that includes proper nutrition and regular exercise. Not only do these have their own benefits that we’ll discuss below, but they can also help maintain a bodyweight that reduces pressure on the spine and can potentially lower the risk of spinal narrowing. 

4. A Sedentary lifestyle

Being inactive is associated with being a spinal narrowing risk factor for a number of reasons. First, it causes muscle atrophy, including the muscles that support the spinal column. These muscles help reduce pressure on the spine and keep the space as open as possible for the spinal cord or nerves. 

Second, being sedentary causes decreased cardiovascular health. The spinal discs receive less blood flow compared to other parts of the body. Reduced cardiovascular health reduces this already small flow of regenerative nutrients to the discs, joints, and connective tissue of the spine. 

Patients can improve activity level by engaging in just a few minutes of low-impact exercises a day, including walks and gentle stretching. Consistency is key. 

5. Smoking or tobacco use

Smoking has a long list of negative health effects, including reduced heart and lung health. This can be a particular risk for spinal narrowing because it decreases blood flow to the discs and joints in the spine. As discussed above, the spine receives a reduced nutrient supply and needs all the blood it can get. 

Patients at risk for spinal narrowing or who have been diagnosed are generally advised to start a tobacco cessation program if they are smokers or tobacco users. 

6. Posture and mechanics

The way we hold and move our bodies every day can have an impact on the health of our spinal column. Poor posture can cause uneven pressure on the spine that can cause faster degeneration over time. Additionally, unaddressed mechanical problems can also put added and unneeded stress on the spinal column.

Working with a physical therapist or trainer to address postural and mechanical issues can be an important part of reducing this risk factor and/or treating spinal narrowing if it does develop. 

7. Genetics

Although medical researchers are still working to understand the link between spinal narrowing and genetics, there is believed to be one. Certain patients are born with a narrower spinal column than others due to heritable traits or congenital defects. Additionally, spinal narrowing within families leads many physicians and researchers to believe there is a genetic risk factor to the age-related breakdown of the spine. 

Although this is a risk factor for spinal narrowing that cannot be prevented, being aware of it can help to contribute to an overall spine healthy lifestyle and promote a proactive approach to spinal narrowing treatment. 

Learn more about Spinal Narrowing when you reach out to BEST Health System today

If you are suffering from spinal narrowing symptoms, it doesn’t have to run your life. The highly experienced team at BEST Health System can help you create a personalized treatment plan that is right for your needs and lifestyle. From pain management injections to outpatient minimally invasive decompression or spinal fusion procedures, also known as minimally invasive stabilization, our goal is to help you overcome pain and get back to the lifestyle you deserve.

Contact us today to learn more.